There are times that duct cleaning may not be the only option when your ductwork seems to be thriving with dust, dirt, mold, mildew, nasty creepy-crawlies, and bacteria. It may not just be a cleaning job that you’re after but you may have to actually replace your air ducts and vents. There are a number of factors to determine whether or not you’re just going to have to simply rid your ductwork with the nastiness living inside of it, or to have part or the entire system replaced.
The first factor to consider is what type of ductwork do you have. In many cases, most types of ducts can easily be cleaned, especially for newer homes. If you have a metal ductwork with no interior lining, then these can almost be assuredly be cleaned. However, if you have an air duct and vent system that is constructed out of fiber board, then this cannot be cleaned as easily. If the contamination of bacteria (among many other things) seem to be too severe, then it is more likely that it needs to be replaced.
Before agreeing to any duct cleaning procedure, or to decide as to whether or not you have to replace the system, you’d best find the source of the dust first. This way, decisions can be made easier and can also help you from making a costly mistake.
There are also instances when it all boils down to how the system has been installed when the house was still being constructed. Experts will say that there are new houses that have systems and ducts that are so poorly done, they require re-engineering and even a major renovation.
It comes back to home owners being able to check upon their duct-related problems first hand before deciding to either clean or replace the system. Unfortunately, there are some companies who will use scare tactics to get more money out of their clientele. For instance, they might state that the problem is already too severe when the it only needs a bit of duct cleaning magic.
Therefore, always go for the fully-certified professionals in this industry to assist you in your duct cleaning or replacement woes. Companies, such as Duct Cleaning Chicagoland, can help you in restoring your home’s air duct and vent system so that you, and other members of the household, is guaranteed to breathe clean indoor air 24/7.